The BBVA Microfinance Foundation launches online course in Latin
America. The course will begin on September 24th for Peru, Colombia,
Chile and Argentina. In collaboration with the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB), Latin American universities and the National
University of Long Distance Education (UNED) in Spain it is launching a
new edition of its online course for credit analysts to continue
providing top-class training to professionals in the sector in Latin
Qualified human capital is one of the key challenges for the
expansion of the sector in the region and the online program fulfills
this need with theoretical and practical training aimed at helping
future analysts manage the microfinance world in Latin America. The
course will start on September 24th, 2011 and in some countries this
will be the 6th edition of the program. Since the beginning of the
project, in March of 2009, the BBVAMF has trained over 1.100 students
from around the world. The course will be conducted in Spanish.
Experienced professionals in the field of microfinance will teach the
150 hour course over a period of three months and successful graduates
will receive a diploma from the UNED and the corresponding university:
the Pacific University of Peru, the Pontifical Xaverian University of
Colombia, the Guillermo Subercaseaux Institute of Banking Studies of
Chile and the Congreso University of Mendoza, Argentina. Additionally
top graduates will have to opportunity to be considered for internships
in the microfinance institutions that make up the Network of the BBVAMF.
To finance the cost of the program, the BBVAMF and IDB provide the
students with a scholarship that covers a major part of the cost of the
Contact (in Madrid):
Jaime Barreiro Cadinanos
Phone: +34-91-374 8675
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