Vacancy Ref.: | - |
Closing date: | 11/12/2013 |
Department: | ADMIN. & HR DEVELOPMENT |
Post Level | P2 |
Job Category | Social Sciences |
Immdiate Supervisor | Secretary of the Board |
Duty Station | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
The AfricanUnion Advisory Board on Corruption is an autonomous organ established withinthe African Union, in terms of Article 22 of the African Union Convention onPreventing and Combating Corruption. The main mandate of the Board is topromote and encourage the adoption of measures and actions by State Parties toprevent, detect, punish and eradicate corruption and related offences in Africaas well as to follow-up on the application of those measures and submit areport to the Executive Council on a regular basis on the progress made by eachState Party in complying with the provisions of the Convention.
In seeking toachieve these objectives, the Board intends to strengthen its capacity todeliver, by amongst others, the implementation of a basic organizationalstructure and the filling of all vacant posts.
The Commissionof the African Union invites applicants who are citizens of Member States for aposition in the Secretariat of the Boardwhich is mainly in charge of providing substantive, professional, administrativeand logistical support to the Board.
Job title: Administrativeand Finance Officer
Grade: P2
Supervisor: Secretaryof the Board
Unit: Secretariat ofthe Advisory Board Corruption
Duty Station: Arusha,Tanzania
2. Majorduties and responsibilities:
Under the supervision of the Secretaryto the Board, the Administrative and Finance Officer is charged with thefollowing
2.1 Finance
i) Ensurefinance management and accounting on AU Advisory Board on Corruption (AUABC)matters as well as reporting to the AU structures;
ii) Assistthe Head of AUABC to liaise with Auditors and implement agreed internal andexternal audit recommendation;
iii) Checkall service/supplier payment and make sure that they are correctly allocated;
iv) Beresponsible for the development of the budget section of AUABC annual workplan;
v) Beresponsible for all procurement and payment request and manage all transactionsthat go through the AUABC account;
vi) Preparingproposal budgets and financial reports for funders when required;
vii) Followup donor commitment to ensure timely receipt of funding;
viii) Regularlyreview, analyze and report project financial status; review budget versusactual and available balances of various sources;
ix) Managepetty cash and ensure all cash advanced to AUABC is reconciled timely;
x) Fileall original service/supplier contracts;
xi) Preparingand finalizing of ad hoc and end of project audits as may be required;
xii) Assistwith financial planning and logistics for events, meetings and workshops;
xiii) Ensurefrequent and efficient communication between AUABC, AU Commission, Host Countryand partners;
xiv) Performa variety of financial management task delegated by the Head of AUABC.
2.2 Administration
i) Managethe administration of the AUABC Office;
ii) Ensuresystems and procedures are in place for efficient functioning of the office;
iii) Fileall statutory, legal and donor agreements in a safe and appropriate place;
iv) Managethe asset register (office furniture, computers, equipment, etc);
v) Followup on staff contract;
vi) Manageand supervise the administration of support staff;
vii) Performa variety of administrative tasks delegated by the Secretary to the Board.
3. Qualificationsand Experience Required
· Candidates must have a University Bachelor Degree inany of the following disciplines: Accounting, Public Administration, BusinessAdministration, Economics, Management, Finance or related field;
· Candidatesmust have an excellent command and use of SAP ERP software.
4. Professionalexperience required:
Candidates must have a least 5 yearsof relevant working experience in financial resources and fund management;
5. Otherrelevant skills
· Candidatesmust have in their possession of material resources (purchase orders,accounting and human resources management);p
· Experiencein management of funds from multiples of donors, preparations of balance sheetsand budgets; also experience in the preparation and accomplishing financialannual audits;
· Capacityto work under pressure in an international environment made up of people ofvarious nationalities, cultures and backgrounds;
· Abilityto interpret financial procedures and standards and their application;
· Provenknowledge of computerized systems and demonstrated experience of working withcomputerized accounting packages and spreadsheets;
· Abilityto work independently and leverage limited resources and staff for maximumimpact;
· Abilityto work in a team.
7. Language requirement
Proficiencyin one of the African Union working languages. Knowledge of one or severalother working language(s) would be an added value
8. Age requirement:
Candidatesmust preferably be between 25 and 35 years old.
The appointment will be made on a fixed term contract for a period of three(3) years, of with the first twelve months will be considered as a probationaryperiod. Thereafter, the contract will be for a period of two years renewable,subject to satisfactory performance and deliverables.
10. Candidates from thefollowing least represented countries are encouraged to apply: Eretria, CentralAfrican Republic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC), Djibouti, EquatorialGuinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab Republic, SaoTome andPrincipe, Seychelles and Somalia.
The AUCommission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are stronglyencouraged to apply.
12. Remuneration: : Indicative basic salary of US$ 29,287.00 per annum plus other relatedentitlements e.g. Post adjustment (46% of basic salary), Housing allowance 14,414.40 perineum), educationallowance (75% of tuition and other education related expenses for everyeligible dependent up to a maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum), etc forinternationally recruited staff of the Commission.
Applications must be made through the AUCE-recruitment Website notlater than 11th November 2013.
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