Xavier Institute of Business

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Book on Personal Finance


Chef de sous-délégation – Garoua-Boulaï – CAMEROUN - H/F

Contexte du poste La Croix-Rouge française (CRF) intervient depuis 2010 aux c ôtés de sa société Nationale sœur, la Croix-Rouge camerounaise, dans le domaine de la santé et de la nutrition. De 2010 à 2012, la CRF a mis en place un projet d’ « Amélioration de la prise en charge sanitaire des populations vulnérables de la Province de l'Est du Cameroun par le renforcement des capacités de la Croix-Rouge camerounaise (CRc) ». A ce jour, et depuis 2012, la CRF mène dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord, un « Programme d’appui à la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe sévère en lien avec la politique nationale et à la réduction des risques liés aux épidémies et inondations », grâce au soutien technique et financier de la DG ECHO. Ce programme a été renforcé durant l’année 2013 par un projet de renforcement des capacités du personnel de santé dans la prise en charge de la malnutrition dans les régions du Nord et de l’Extrême Nord, grâce au soutien de l’UNICEF. La CRF intervient dans la région de l’Est, afin de répondre à cette situation de crise nutritionnelle et sanitaire depuis le 17 Mai. Ainsi, un premier projet d’ « assistance médicale d’urgence pour les réfugiés et la population hôte » dans le district de Kétté, situé dans le département de la Kadey, région de l’Est du Cameroun a été mis en œuvre à partir du 28 mai 2014. Ce projet a été complété par un autre projet d’ « assistance sanitaire, nutritionnelle et d’accès à l’eau et l’assainissement d’urgence aux populations directement affectées par le conflit en Centrafrique », dans le département du Lom-et-Djérem et de la Kadey, dans les districts de Garoua-Boulai et de Kétté, Le poste ce dessous concerne ce dernier projet.
Le programme :
Objectif spécifique : fournir une réponse humanitaire multisectorielle couvrant les besoins prioritaires des populations réfugiées centrafricaines, dans la région de l’Est du Cameroun. Résultat 1: Des soins de santé primaires sont fournis à l'ensemble de la population hôte vulnérable et réfugiée dans les zones prioritaires à forte densité de réfugiés.
Résultat 2 : Une prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe globale de qualité pour les enfants de moins de 5 ans et personnes vulnérables est assurée dans les zones prioritaires à forte densité de réfugiés.
Le Poste
Objectifs du poste: En respectant et appliquant les principes du Mouvement CR/CR (Humanité, Impartialité, Neutralité, Indépendance, Volontariat, Unité et Universalité), et sous l’autorité du chef de délégation basé à Yaoundé, le chef de sous-délégation a pour objectifs :
• de représenter de la CRF auprès des autorités, des bénéficiaires et des partenaires impliqués dans la zone ; • de garantir la coordination et le suivi des projets de la sous-délégation, ainsi que le partage d’information avec les autres acteurs humanitaires et partenaires de terrain, spécifiquement avec les membres du Mouvement CR/CR ; • de proposer si besoin des réorientations aux projets en fonction des contraintes terrain, en collaboration avec les chefs de projet, la coordination et en concertation avec la Croix-Rouge Camerounaise (CRc) ; • de maintenir le positionnement stratégique de la CRF, la garantie de qualité des actions mises en œuvre dans ses domaines de compétences, au sein de la sous-délégation de Garoua-Boulaï. Lien hiérarchique: Travaille sous la responsabilité directe du chef de délégation CRF à Yaoundé. Est responsable de l’ensemble du personnel expatrié et national de la sous-délégation de Garoua Boulaï.
Liens fonctionnels: Collabore en interne avec : • L’équipe de coordination à Yaoundé • Les équipes des sous-délégations de Batouri et Maroua
Collabore en externe avec : • Les Comités locaux et départementaux de la Croix-Rouge Camerounaise • Les partenaires institutionnels de Garoua-Boulai et Bertoua (DRSP…) • Les partenaires opérationnels humanitaires (MSF, FICR, IMC, IRD. ..) • Les partenaires techniques et financiers (ECHO, HCR, UNICEF, OMS, PAM…)
Responsabilités :
Sous l’autorité de la chef de délégation, les tâches inhérentes au chef de sous délégation se déclinent en 4 catégories : • A- Coordination et suivi des projets • B- Gestion des moyens • C- Gestion de la communication • D- Gestion de la sécurité
Le profil du candidat Formation: Master en gestion de projet et/ou gestion administrative et financière - Management
Langues: Français : Courant
Lié à la fonction de chef de sous-délégation : • Expériences avérées en management, gestion de projet et gestion de la sécurité (3 ans minimum) • Autonomie, polyvalence, adaptabilité dans un contexte difficile • Capacité organisationnelle et capacités de coordination • Capacité de travail en équipe • Permis de conduire • Maîtrise de l’outil informatique (autonomie complète sur Word et Excel) • Capacités rédactionnelles et expérience de rédaction de projet et d’élaboration de rapports • Bon esprit analytique et de synthèse • Aisance en communication et dans les relations institutionnelles
Lié à l’environnement spécifique de la mission : • Capacités de travail dans un contexte d’urgence • Rigueur, patience, flexibilité et capacité d’adaptation • Capacité d’adaptation et de négociation • Diplomatie indispensable • A l’aise et souple dans les relations institutionnelles • Expérience en gestion du personnel de cultures différentes. Très bonnes facilités de travail en équipe • Bonne connaissance ou expérience du Mouvement Croix-Rouge (fonctionnement, mandats etc...)
Lieu de la mission: Garoua-Boulaï, CAMEROUN Durée de la mission: 9 mois A pourvoir: avril 2015
Pour mieux connaitre le mouvement Croix-Rouge et Croissant-Rouge, nous vous invitons à suivre deux formations en ligne, gratuites et accessibles à tous : W.O.R.C. (World of Red Cross and Red Crescent),cette formation en ligne est consacrée aux principes fondamentaux et au fonctionnement du Mouvement Croix-Rouge et Croissant-Rouge. A travers 12 modules elle aborde des sujets tels que l'origine et l'histoire du mouvement, ses principes fondamentaux, l'emblème, la Fédération internationale, le CICR et les sociétés nationales. Elle est destinée à tous : volontaires, salariés, adhérents ou aux personnes désirant en savoir plus sur le plus grand mouvement humanitaire au monde.
Stay safe, quant à elle, est destinée à tous les personnels amenés à effectuer des missions internationales au nom de la Fédération ou d’une société nationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge. Le cours a pour objectif de développer une culture commune de la gestion de la sécurité au sein du Mouvement. Elle permet ainsi une meilleure compréhension des principales menaces et risques que courent les acteurs humanitaires sur le terrain et propose des solutions pour en limiter l’impact. Vous trouverez ces cours sur la Plate-forme d’apprentissage e-learning ouverte à tous de la Fédération Internationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge en cliquant sur le lien suivant :https://ifrc.csod.com/client/ifrc/default.aspx
How to apply:
Merci de postuler directement en ligne sur le site de la Croix-Rouge française en envoyant CV + LM : http://www.croix-rouge.fr/Je-m-engage/Travaillez-a-l-international

Un(e) Responsable de Base au Cameroun.

Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale de solidarité internationale, à but non lucratif, apolitique et laïque. L’ensemble de ses personnels se mobilise au quotidien pour couvrir les besoins fondamentaux des victimes civiles mises en péril, marginalisées ou exclues par les effets de catastrophes naturelles, de guerres et de situations d’effondrement économique. L’objectif est d’aider les populations déracinées dans l’urgence, tout en leur permettant de regagner rapidement autonomie et dignité. L’association mène environ 250 projets par an, dans les domaines de la sécurité alimentaire, la santé, la nutrition, la réhabilitation d’infrastructures, l’eau et l’assainissement et la relance économique. PU-AMI intervient en appui à près de 3 millions de personnes dans 19 pays, en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen-Orient, dans le Caucase et en France. Dans le cadre de nos activités au Cameroun, nous recherchons un(e) Responsable de Base. Sous la responsabilité directe du Chef de mission, le (la) Responsable De Base est en charge du bon fonctionnement de la Base de Meiganga dans l’Adamaoua et des bases qui lui sont administrativement rattachées. De part ses fonctions vis-à-vis de l’ONG, ce poste réclame un haut sens de l’intégrité particulièrement en ce qui concerne la gestion des fonds et des stocks. Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale ne saurait tolérer ni conflit d'intérêt ni malversation. De même ce poste requiert un sens du management aigu, fermeté et diplomatie. Sécurité : Il/Elle est responsable de la sécurité sur sa base. Programmes : Il/Elle coordonne les équipes et s’assure de la bonne mise en œuvre des programmes sur sa base, sous la supervision de son/sa responsable hiérarchique direct/e. Ressources Humaines : Il/Elle supervise(l’ensemble des équipes de la base, personnel national et international. Suivi logistique, administratif et financier : Il/elle supervise les volets logistiques, administratifs et financiers sur sa base pour la mise en œuvre des programmes, et s’assure du respect des procédures afférentes, avec l’appui fonctionnel du/de la Coordinateur/trice Logistique (CLOG) et du/de la Coordinateur/trice Administratif/ve et Financier/e (CAF) de la mission. Représentation : Il/Elle représente l’association auprès des partenaires, autorités et différents acteurs locaux impliqués sur la zone d’intervention de sa base. Coordination : Il/Elle centralise et diffuse l’information de/vers sa base et consolide le reporting interne et externe des activités mises en œuvre dans sa zone d’intervention avant de le transmettre à son/sa responsable hiérarchique direct/e. Evaluation / Stratégie : Il/Elle participe à l’identification des besoins dans sa zone d’intervention. Il/Elle participe à l’élaboration de la stratégie et propose de nouvelles interventions en fonction des besoins identifiés dans sa zone d’intervention. How to apply: Merci d'envoyer votre dossier de candidature complet (CV + lettre de motivation) sur : recrutement@pu-ami.org en indiquant dans l'objet de l'email "CAMEROUN - RdB"

Training Coordinator in Cameroon

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS #03680 Training Coordinator in Cameroon in support of ELIZABETH GLASER PEDIATRIC AIDS FOUNDATION (EGPAF) 1140 Connecticut Ave., NW, Ste. 200 Washington, DC 20036 Firm Deadline: Monday, January 5, 2015, 8:00am EST / 14:00 GMT +1 Deadline extended The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF, or the Foundation), a non-profit organization, is the world leader in the fight to eliminate pediatric AIDS. Our mission is to prevent pediatric HIV infection and to eliminate pediatric AIDS through research, advocacy, and prevention and treatment programs. For more information, please visit http://www.pedaids.org. SPECIAL NOTE As EGPAF increases an on-the-ground presence in Cameroon, the individuals implementing this work will likely fluctuate. EGPAF is committed to providing the best team possible and will aggressively pursue establishing long-term consultants and employees in the country. In light of this, EGPAF has established a country office opening task team and is aggressively pursuing registration. The consultant role listed below will be transitioned into an employee position once registration in Cameroon is achieved. The Consultant will not be guaranteed an employee position, but their application to the position will be strongly considered. BACKGROUND The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) has worked in Cameroon since 2000 through local and established international organizations. In 2013, EGPAF was directly funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide technical assistance in Cameroon under the Global Technical Assistance Services Project (Project DELTA – DELivering Technical Assistance). The assignment presented in this scope of work (SOW) is to be implemented as part of this project, the purpose which is to provide comprehensive and cost- effective technical assistance (TA), capacity building, and program implementation expertise for PEPFAR and Global Fund-supported global health activities in the three programmatic areas of 1) prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), 2) HIV care and treatment clinical services for adults and children, and 3) HIV pediatric care and treatment. EGPAF has been awarded “Acceleration Funds” to implement activities under this PEFPAR initiative. An EGPAF team traveled to Yaoundé in October 2014 to meet with stakeholders, MOH officials, and with CDC/Cameroon to develop this SOW for TA activities to be implemented in Cameroon in the rest of project year 1 (through March 2015) and throughout project year 2 (April 2015 – March 2016). PURPOSE/SCOPE OF WORK For this TA assignment, EGPAF will be coordinating several trainings. In collaboration with the EGPAF HQ technical team and the in-country EGPAF representative, the Training Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of high quality trainings. The Training Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating various people involved in each training, booking venues, ensuring adequate and appropriate materials, and reporting back to the Project DELTA team after each training. There will be 3 different technical areas covered in these trainings, each with a different geographical reach. The trainings will include: · 1 task-shifting training of trainers (ToT) in Yaoundé (5 days for 30 trainers); · 10 task-shifting trainings, one per region (7 days each and 25 people per training); · 1 adherence support training for a core group of MOH staff; · 4 adherence support trainings with healthcare workers, one in each of the PEPFAR- supported regions; and · 4 pediatric HIV care and treatment trainings, one per PEPFAR-supported region (50 people per training). The ideal candidate will have familiarity working in remote areas as well as with national level entities and have a strong understanding of the Cameroon health system. The consultant will be supported by a team from EGPAF HQ that will provide the technical content and agenda for the trainings. The consultant will be supported by the HQ team at the beginning of each training cycle, but will be responsible for overseeing the trainers and the content delivery after the HQ team leaves. The consultant will be responsible for all logistics related to the trainings and will be available as needed to assist with the trainings. Some trainings will occur concurrently, so it is essential that the consultant is flexible and able to respond quickly to needs in different areas. CONSULTANT DELIVERABLES · Detailed training plans for each of the 18 trainings for a total of 900 people trained · Successful implementation of the following trainings: o 10 task-shifting trainings in all regions of Cameroon o 4 adherence support trainings in 4 PEPFAR regions o 4 Pediatric Care and Treatment trainings in 4 PEPFAR Regions MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS · Fluent in both written and spoken English and French · At least a Medical Degree · Able to work legally in Cameroon as a resident or through a valid work visa · Currently reside in, or be willing to temporarily relocate to, Yaoundé, Cameroon for the duration of the contract period · Substantial experience working in Cameroon with the MOH and PEPFAR implementing partners · Experience working in Public Health (HIV/AIDS) PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS · Able to begin work on or before February 2, 2015 · Experience coordinating and facilitating meetings and workshops with high-level MOH and CDC employees · Experience working in conjunction with senior-level representatives from implementing partners and government agencies during field visits · At least eight (8) years of experience in Public Health or a related field · A strong background in coordinating trainings working with MOH, capacity building assistance, HIV/AIDS, as well as project management and implementation · Experience working with PEPFAR-funded programs FOUNDATION RESPONSIBILITIES The Consultant will have an identified counterpart at EGPAF HQ for all activities. EGPAF assumes ultimate responsibility for submitting all documents and deliverables to CDC. EGPAF HQ will directly liaise with CDC Atlanta and provide direction and support to the Consultant in the implementation of all project-related activities. All deliverables will be submitted by the Consultant to EGPAF HQ for review and further dissemination. LOGISTICS Equipment and/or Materials Required The Consultant will provide his/her own laptop and mobile phone for use on project-related activities. The Foundation will provide the Consultant with office space and access to internet and printing facilities. Specific Timeframe Approximately one year, from February 2, 2015 – February 1, 2016, or until EGPAF’s registration in Cameroon is complete and the Consultant may apply for an employee position. The contract is renewable by mutual consent depending on availability of funding, through a written amendment. Location of Work Yaoundé, Cameroon, with frequent travel to NW, SW, and Littoral Regions and occasional travel to the other 6 regions in Cameroon. KEY CONTRACT TERMS The anticipated contract type is Time and Materials. The Foundation will also reimburse all work-related telephone, local transportation, travel, and miscellaneous materials expenses up to a certain threshold. In the financial proposal, the Consultant must propose a fixed daily rate, and estimate the number of days required to complete the activities and deliverables listed in this RFP. The Consultant must also outline all expected work-related telephone and local transportation costs within Yaoundé, which EGPAF will reimburse up to a certain threshold. The Consultant is not responsible for outlining costs related to regional travel within Cameroon; EGPAF will separately reimburse the Consultant for the cost of air or ground travel, lodging, and per diem for travel outside Yaoundé. EGPAF will not reimburse Consultant for travel to Cameroon from another location, costs for obtaining a work permit or visa, housing/accommodation in Yaoundé, or a daily per diem in Yaoundé. Unless stated otherwise in this RFP, the Consultant is responsible for providing equipment and/or supplies required to perform the services. All deliverables provided to the Foundation must be furnished for the use of the Foundation without royalty or any additional fees. “Materials” will include everything prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Contract, including without limitation, the Deliverables, reports, creative and other materials, manuals, studies, photographs, negatives and all other documents. All Materials developed under this Contract will be owned exclusively by the Foundation. Consultant will not use or allow the use of the Materials for any purpose other than Consultant’s performance of the Contract without the prior written consent of the Foundation. The Consultant will be responsible for obtaining all applicable visas and/or work permits. EVALUATION CRITERIA AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Foundation will accept the proposal that presents the best value. All proposals will be evaluated against the following Evaluation Criteria. Each proposal MUST contain the items listed in the Submission Requirements column in the following chart in order to be considered responsive. Evaluation CriteriaSubmission Requirements Weight Qualifications and past performance of Offeror 1. Cover letter CV/Resume of Offeror Description of how minimum requirements are met by the Offeror, as well as the preferred qualifications, using the form found on the last page of this RFP Current phone and email contact information for three (3) professional references from similar past projects 40% Work sample 5. Sample of prior similar work. Can be in either English or French, preferably 3 pages or less 35% Financial proposal 6. A brief financial proposal detailing the Offeror’s daily rate and number of days expected, as well as any expected reimbursable materials expenses, as stated in Key Contract Terms above 25% Total 100% PROPOSED RFP TIMELINE 21 November 2014– Release of RFP 19 December 2014, 8:00am EST / 14:00 GMT +1– Deadline for submission of any contractual and/or technical inquiries to ProjectDELTA@pedaids.org.No phone calls please. 23 December 2014 –Question and Answer Response Document posted on EGPAF website at http://www.pedaids.org/pages/contracting-opportunities. 5 January 2015, 8:00am EST / 14:00 GMT +1– Completed proposals must be delivered electronically to ProjectDELTA@pedaids.org. Early January 2015– Interviews completed Late January 2015 –Final decision announced and Offerors notified On or around 2 February 2015– Services begin Please note it is our best intent to comply with the above timeline but unavoidable delays may occur. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All proposals and communications must be identified by the unique RFP# reflected on thefirst page of this document. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in non- consideration of your proposal. Any proposal not addressing each of the foregoing items could be considered non-responsive. Any exceptions to the requirements or terms of the RFP must be noted in the proposal. The Foundation reserves the right to consider any exceptions to the RFP to be non-responsive. Late proposals will be rejected without being considered. This RFP is not an offer to enter into agreement with any party, but rather a request to receive proposals from persons interested in providing the services outlined below. Such proposals shall be considered and treated by the Foundation as offers to enter into an agreement. The Foundation reserves the right to reject all proposals, in whole or in part, enter into negotiations with any party, and/or award multiple contracts. The Foundation shall not be obligated for the payment of any sums whatsoever to any recipient of this RFP until and unless a written contract between the parties is executed. Equal Opportunity Notice.The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and represents that all qualified bidders will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Ethical Behavior.As a core value to help achieve our mission, the Foundation embraces a culture of honesty, integrity, and ethical business practices and expects its business partners to do the same. Specifically, our procurement processes are fair and open and allow all vendors/consultants equal opportunity to win our business. We will not tolerate fraud or corruption, including kickbacks, bribes, undisclosed familial or close personal relationships between vendors and Foundation employees, or other unethical practices. If you experience of suspect unethical behavior by a Foundation employee, please contact Doug Horner, Vice President, Awards, Compliance & International Operations, at dhorner[at]pedaids[dot]org or the Foundation’s Ethics Hotline at www.reportlineweb.com/PedAids/.Any vendor/consultant who attempts to engage, or engages, in corrupt practices with the Foundation will have their proposal disqualified and will not be solicited for future work. How to apply: Please apply via our website: http://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=PEDAIDS&cws...

Thursday 24 July 2014

Finance Manager - Kenya

Are you a Finance Manager looking for a new challenging role? Do you have experience of working on high level international projects? 
A unique opportunity has arisen for an experienced Finance Manager to work for a leading international company within their operations in Kenya and Somalia. 
The successful applicant will be responsible for the financial management of a project the company has won, with oversight on stock management, cost control and general financial accounting processes. 
Responsibilities will include:
Oversight of cost management activities, including the use of both activity based and process costing approaches and analysis.
Coordinate provision of ad hoc analysis and determine the way to provide such information quickly and reliably.
Ultimate responsibility for delivering the financial budgeting and reporting. 
Provide overall leadership and direction to the Finance team in country, ensuring that project plans are communicated and targets achieved.
Ensure that resource plans and infrastructure supports the strategic goals and business objectives.
Manage the governance and controls around the suite of standard project reports.
Promote the culture and mind-set of continuous improvement, lead initiatives associated with financial control and planning and ensure alignment with agreed continuous improvement approach.
Professionally qualified chartered accountant (ACA, ACCA, CIMA, CGMA, CPA, MIIA or CCAB).
Experience within Eastern Africa is highly desired. 
Proven experience in financial management.
Ideally 2-4 years’ experience in a senior position. 
Experience in financial project management. 
Knowledge of financial technical accounting standards and management accounting techniques.
3000-4000 USD/month. 
Benefits including car and petrol allowance as well as medical insurance. 
If you are interested, please send your most recent CV/Resume to tom.puffitt@millarcameron.com
Please write a few lines as to why you feel that you are suitable for the position. 
In addition to this please supply details for at least two contactable professional references (Phone, Email and Job Title

Monday 23 June 2014

Accountant UNFPA

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reducé poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every child is safe, every young persan is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.

Job description
Under the guidance of the UNFPA Representative, the direct supervision of the IOM, the Finance Assistant based in Yaounde ensures the effective functioning of financial opérations and systems.
Specifically, the FA will perform the following tasks:
  • Sets up a management system and the classification of the financial files (e-filling)
  • Vérifiés all financial documents prior to payment
  • Prepares bank transfers l checks for signature
  • Follows up payments with UNDP
  • Performs financial statements réconciliations
  • Assists the Finance Associate in the National Execution (NEX) audit process
  • Executes all administrative tasks such as photocopying, maintaining proper filling, organizing the archiving, etc.
Qualifications required
  • Be a holder of HND in AccountinglFinances or équivalent
  • Have at least 3 years expérience with a constant évolution in the caréér and financial responsibilities- Be familiar with the common office software (word, Excel, Internet, é-mail).
  • Fluéncy in oral and writtén Frénch and/or English, with commanding proficiéncy of othér languagé.
Other requirements :
  • Team working and can work diligéntly undér pressure in a multi cultural énvironmént
  • Have skills to manage rélationships , communicaté and dévélop péoplé
  • Have the necessary business acumén for the position
Duration : 06 months

The deadline for the applications is two weeks from the date of publication.

Completed applications (cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, P11 form, copy of diploma and reference) with
référence job titlé will be sent to:
UNFPA Cameroun Country Office
P. 0. Box 836, Rond Point Bastos, Yaounde Cameroon

P11 form, as wéll as othér important information concérning the vacancy is found on UNFPA sites
NB :
  1. Only shortlistéd candidates will be contacted ;
  2. No fées are requested
  3. In recruitment, UNFPA does not discriminate with respect to HIV status of candidates.
UNFPA — parce que tout le monde compte

Boîte Postale 836 - Rond-point Bastos (place Ekoudou) — Yaounde/Cameroun
Te'1 : (237) - Fax: (237)

Brewery Microbiologist Cameroon

POSITION DESIGNATION : Brewery Microbiologist 
RANKEDUCATION REQUIREMENT : degree, master in microbiology or bacteriology
REPORTS TO : Quality control chief
Production, packaging, commercial etc…

Laboratory technician with extensive knowledge in beverage processes with focus on beer, microbiology and yeast management.
  1. Ensuring the microbiology quality of all the beverages produced in the brewery.
  2. Ensuring proper yeast management.
  3. Ensuring propagation operations.
  4. Proceed to yeast vitality and viability testing.
  5. Aseptic sampling and microbiological testing of beer throughout the production process and after packaging.
  6. Ensuring contamination free process.
  7. Ensuring the best hygienic status of the brewery.
  8. Maintaining logs of all data collected.
  9. Calibrating and maintaining instruments and measurement devices
  10. Communicating with all brewery departments to ensure consistent, high-quality product and efficient release of packaged beverage.
  11. In collaboration with the quality and production managers develop and improve processes for making beer and other beverages.

Degree or master in microbiology.or bacteriology.
5 year minimum experience in similar job.
Results driven focus.
Strong analytical skills
Strong interpersonal, organizational, self- management and problem solving skills.
Proficient with Microsoft Office
Bilingual is a plus..