TheHead of the Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Division will undertakeinitiatives aimed at preventing and managing the outbreak or escalation ofconflicts within or between AU Member States. The Division will providecapacity for the institutional and technical support needed to enhance the AU’speace and security initiatives, including facilitating and backstopping, theoperationalization of the Continental Early Warning System (CEWS), support theestablishment of the Mediation Support Unit and mediation efforts, either bythe AU or in collaboration with the RECs, and the implementation of the AU’sBorders Program.
TheDivision will ensure the adoption and implementation of practical,action-oriented initiatives for preventing conflicts in Africa, in order tocreate an enabling environment for realising the economic, social and politicalstability and development on the continent. In this context, the Division also elaborate and coordinatecooperation arrangements with the United Nations and its agencies, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) otherrelevant international organisations aswell as civil society organisations in the promotion peace and security onthe continent.
- Post:
Job title: Conflict Prevention and EarlyWarning Division
Grade: P5
Supervisor: Director, Peace and Security
Directorate: Peace and Security
Duty Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. Majorduties and responsibilities:
Underthe direct supervision of the Director, Peace and Security Department (PSD),the Head of the Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Division will beresponsible for the following duties:
· Monitorpolitical and related developments on the continent in order to advise theleadership of the Peace and Security Department on strategic action andinitiatives designed to prevent situations of conflict and propose appropriatepolicies/responses and methods of resolving conflicts;
· Ensureimplementation and follow-up on annual work plans decisions of the Division andkeep the Director PSD, informed of all developments related to peace andsecurity initiatives for consideration and appropriate action;
· plan,coordinate and fully implement all aspects of programmed activities of theDivision as outlined in the various instruments and policy decisions of the AUMissions mandated by the Peace and Security Council;
· Ensurethe preparation of comprehensive periodic reports and documents as may berequired to enable the leadership of the Commission, Peace and Security Counciland its subsidiary bodies to perform their functions as provided for in theProtocol of the Peace and Security Council effectively;
· Coordinateresource mobilization strategies with the Director, PSD and ensure that allprogrammes for capacity building in conflict prevention and early warning areimplemented steadily and successfully;
· Manageand supervise the day-to-day activities in the planning of work programme of Officersand Consultants in the Division;
· overseeand coordinate outreach programmes and publications within the Department;
· Performany other tasks as may be directed by the supervisors.
3. Qualificationsand Experience Required
4. Professionalexperience required:
Must have at least ten (10) years of progressivework experience in international organizations on, peace and security issuesthree (3) years in managerial positions, humanitarian activities and mediationand negotiation forums.
5. Otherrelevant skills
· Must have proven track record of good writing andoral communication and presentation skills. Must also have the ability to mediate in conflict situations.
· Must have the ability to effectively manage anddirect the work of teams of professional, senior and experienced officers.
· Must have initiative and be creative as well as havethe capacity to work under pressure.
· Musthave the ability to provide leadership in successfully managing ConflictPrevention and Early Warning Division processes with major stakeholders,including governments, development partners and international and nationalcivil society organisations;
· Mustbe computer literate, and versed in the use of Power Point, Excel and Word
6. Language requirement
Proficiencyin one of the African Union working languages. Proficiency of oneor several other working language(s) would be an added value.
7. Tenureof Appointment:
The appointment will be made on a fixed term contract fora period of three (3) years, of with the first twelve months will be consideredas a probationary period. Thereafter, the contract shall be for a period of twoyears renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and deliverables.
Candidates from the following leastrepresented countries are encouraged to apply: Eretria, Central AfricanRepublic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea,Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab Republic, Sao Tome and Principe,Seychelles and Somalia.
8. Gender Mainstreaming:
The AU Commission is anequal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged toapply.
9. Remuneration:
Indicativebasic salary of US$ 45,551.00 per annum plus other related entitlements e.g.Post adjustment (46% of basic salary), Housing allowance ($16,819.20 per annum),education allowance (75% of tuition and other education related expenses forevery eligible dependent up to a maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum),etc for internationally recruited staff of the Commission.
Applications must be madethrough the AUC E-recruitment Website not later than 5th May 2014.
Directorateof Administration and Human Resource Management
AfricanUnion Commission
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