Xavier Institute of Business

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

PHARMACIST african union

Vacancy Ref.:-
Closing date:4/29/2014
Post LevelP3
Job CategoryNatural Sciences
Immdiate SupervisorDirector of Medical Services
Duty StationAddis Ababa, Ethiopia


TheAfrican Union, established as a unique Pan African continental body, is chargedwith spearheading Africa’s rapid integration and sustainable development bypromoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples ofAfrica and African States as well as developing a New Partnership worldwide.Its Headquarters is located at Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia.

Inseeking to achieve these objectives, the African Union intends to strengthenits human resourced by filling in all its vacant posts.

Thusthe Commission of the African Union invites applicants who are citizens ofMember States for the post of a PHARMACISTat the Directorate of Medical Services.

Job Title:                                          PHARMACIST
Grade:                                               P3
Department:                                     Medical Services Directorate
Supervisor:                                      Directorof Medical Services
Duty station:                                    AfricanUnion Commission, Addis Ababa.


 Under the supervision of the Director of Medical Services, the Pharmacist at the AU Medical Services will be responsiblefor the day to day pharmaceutical duties as follows:

i.             Oversees,and allocates activities of employees engaged in dispensing prescribedmedications, drugs and other pharmaceutical products for patient care,according to laid down procedures in professional a manner.

ii.           Maintainsresponsibility for the management of the inventory for essential drugs; ordersand maintains stock levels at all times.

iii.          Initiateand fully involved in the procurement processes of pharmaceutical products incollaboration with the Procurement Division.
iv.          Provideconsultative advise to physicians on the inherent dangers of drugs and theireventual side effects as well as occasionally agree with them on theprescription of correct doses.
v.           Participatein continuing medical education programs for Medical staff,
vi.          Maintainsestablished procedures concerning quality assurance, security of controlledsubstances, and disposal of hazardous waste drugs.
vii.         Developsand implements methods and procedures for monitoring work activities, such aspreparation of records of expenditures, progress reports, etc.
viii.       Furnishespharmacy unit budget and reports for the Director of Medical Services.
ix.          Evaluateemployee performance, and recommend disciplinary action. May instruct internsand other medical personnel on matters pertaining to pharmacy.
x.           Toperform any other duties as assigned by the Director.


·        Musthave a Master University Degree in Pharmacy
·        Deepknowledge on pharmacokinetics of drugs and therapies is mandatory.
·        Skillsin working with technical automated equipment and information systems have anadded advantage.
·        Atleast Eight (8) years of service as a registered clinical pharmacist of whichthree (3) years should be at managerial level or supervisor level.
·        Relevantwork experience within a government private hospital, university teachinghospital or international organization.


·        Mustbe computer literate;
·        Managementexperience, excellent interpersonal skills, ability to organize and motivateothers, and to work in a multi-cultural environment;
·        Excellentdrafting and reporting skills;
·        Excellentanalytical skill;


Proficiency in one of the African Union workinglanguages. Knowledge of one or several other working languages would be an addedadvantage.


The appointment will be made on a fixed term contract for a period of three(3) years, of with the first twelve months will be considered as a probationaryperiod. Thereafter, the contract will be for a period of two years renewable,subject to satisfactory performance and deliverables.

Candidates from the following leastrepresented countries are encouraged to apply: Eretria, Central AfricanRepublic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia,Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab Republic, SaoTome and Principe, Seychellesand Somalia.


The AUCommission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are stronglyencouraged to apply.

7.Remuneration::Indicative basic salary of US$ 35,300.00 per annum plus other related entitlements e.g. Postadjustment (46% of basic salary), Housing allowance 14,414.40 per annum), education allowance (75% of tuition and othereducation related expenses for every eligible dependent up to a maximum ofUS$7,800.00 per child per annum), etc for internationally recruited staff ofthe Commission.


Applications must be made through the AUCE-recruitment Website
http://www.aucareers.org not later than 28 April 2014

Directorate of Administration and HumanResource Management
African Union Commission

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