Context and justification
ACMS (Association Camerounaise pour le Marketing Social) is recruiting a Deputy Coordinator of Administration in charge of Human Resources.
The successful senior officer will be mainly responsible for providing support to and expertise on coordination activities of administrative services, ensuring strategie planning and management in the area of human resources, playing a pro active role in developing and implementing staff retention strategies and the promotion of professional development, ensuring the application of internal regulations and national legislation, preparing and implementing a management and human resource development annual plan, including individual training plans (integrating them in individual MBOs), equally play a leadership role in the integration of PSl's approaches and the creation of systems for a better management and development of human resources in a multi project and multi-donor management structure, whose activities are deployed in ten (l0) Regions through four (4) regional offices.
ACMS is affiliated with the Populations Services International (PSI) network. PSI is an internationally renowned organisation, which operates in the field of health and whose programmes are oriented toward malaria, child survival, HIV, and reproductive health.
Duty station: Yaoundé
Type of employment contract: Two-year fixed term contract in view of an unlimited term contact
Start date: July 2014.
Position level: Category 10, grade E of the II tertiary sector of the National Collective Trade Agreement.
Job description
Answerable to the Senior Coordinator of Administration, the Deputy Coordinator of Administration in charge of Human Resources shall be expected to:
Support to the coordination of administrative services:
Provide support to the Senior Coordinator of Adnùnistration in the implementation of the coordination activities of ·the various adnùnistrative services [HR Contracts & Disputes, Trust Estate, Purchases, Supp1y, Quality and compliance control, Logistics, lCT, Safety & Security]
Ensure reporting through timely cdnsolidation, planning, and activity reports of the various administrative services
Staff administrative management:
Ensure that employment con tracts are drafted and renewed within the required time limit
Guarantee the correct filling in and archiving of time sheet
Organise and help in the orientation of newly recruited staff
Update ACMS staff individual records according to the classification, while ensuring that each file record has copies of the con tract employments, CVs, leave card records, wage slips, performance assessment reports, as weil as any other documents and correspondences relating to human resources
Ensure a follow-up of staff management at the CNPS and health insurance
Maintain a database on ail employees and providing, where need be, appropriate information so as to have an objective basis for decisions relating to staff management
Process payroils as weil as ail related operations
Organise the preparation and application of disciplinary measures taken by hierarchy or the Management against personnel members
Ensure the strict compliance with laws, regulations, procedures, personnel policies, code of conduct, in a bit to protect ACMS personnel and its platform in all actions relating to human resources such as: Draft contracts, (test, intemship, disciplinary letters, contract breach ... ) / Plan annualleaves and monitor their execution / Monitor personnel absences and movements / Provide the staff with professional cards and security badges / Create and conduct the TEAM BUILDING policy / Ensure that a good social climate and working environment are maintained / Organising monthly meetings for the staff / Manage relations with staff Delegates
Performance management:
Partake in staff screening, recruitment, and promotion procedures
Ensure that each employee has an update and good quality job description
Advise and monitor the preparation of operational individual plans each year
Be effectively involve in the implementation of L&P's activities
Institutionalize basic competences within the framework of the performance management system
Prepare documents on annual assessment and monitor their application in accordance with the procedures in force
Guarantee the permanent keeping of records of evaluation committees: this shall include, acting as a reporting secretary, and the drafting of evaluation committees minutes
Prepare an annual training plan for auxiliary staff and organise programme intended to rein force staff competences and performances
Seek for training opportunities in PSI in order to address the staffs performance challenges
Suggest strategies to meet transparency needs in performance management
Give his/her point of view in matters of discipline or poor performance
Prepare statistics and performance monitoring dashboards for the staff
Ensure the application of human resources development plans adopted
Prepare an annual social audit for staff management and development
Human resources management policy:
Ensure that ACMS' staff development and management policies comply with the legislation in force;
Ensure that human resources management manual is updated with regard to ACMS policies, the legislation in force in Cameroon, and that it is broadly disserninated among the staff;
Provide ad hoc training on ACMS policies and legislation as needed, as weil as preparing and disseminating, for this purpose, memos and directives to the attention of the staff;
Monitor and update ACMS policies and procedures relating to human resources management within the Mission;
Ensure the implementation of audit recommendations on human resources management.
Gender, Equity, and Diversity policies (GED):
Ensure that ACMS' GED policies comply with the legislation in force;
Develop and implement ACMS' Gender-Development and Equity Strategy;
Fully involve the PLT / SMT in the GED policy;
Create a GED working group in Yaoundé, as weil as in other offices and come up with reports from the results of the working groups;
Organise training and awareness sessions for GED principles and activities for the staff and support staff involved in the programme.
Required profile, qualifications, and professional experience:
Must be of Cameroonian nationality, a be at least 30 years old;
Must hold post-graduate degree equivalent to at least BAC+4 in HRM;
Have at least five(05) years of experience in a similar position within a referral structure (NGO, Multinational firm, or a renowned company);
Have a proven experience in human resource planning and management;
Perfect mastery of IT software: (Word, Excel, Power point, Internet, Payroll & HRM);
Languages: French/English bilingualism is a plus;
Have good writing skills;
Have good analysis and conflict management skills;
Have strong interpersonal relationship;
Have a thorough knowledge of Cameroon Laws and Regulations of Labour Law;
Have high-developed organizational skills;
Have good public relations skills;
Be honest and demonstrate a commitment and ability to work in harmony with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures;
Ability to demonstrate skills in managing human relations, communication, and the development of individuals;
Have analytical and strategie thinking abilities, as well as result-oriented management skills;
Have a structured mind and good skills in oral and written communication;
Be able to work under pressure and carry out self assessments.
Dossier de candidature
A cover letter;
A detailed CV that complies with the form provided for that purpose on the website: htpp:, including contacts and email addresses ofthree (03) references;
A certified copy of required certificates;
A photocopy of the national identity card;
Copies of documents attesting the candidate's experience (Internship or employment attestations, work certificate, or any other relevant document)
Submission of application files
Complete application files should be submitted in an anonymous envelope on which is written:
"Application for the position of Deputy Coordinator of Administration in charge of Human Resources" at any of the following addresses:
ACMS headquarter in Yaoundé, Mballa II neighbourhood, at Dragages, TellFax: 22-20-92-24
The Regional office in Garoua, Yelwa neighbourhood, at Hôtel de cité, Tel: 22-27-20-02
The Regional office in Douala, Ndogbati neighbourhood (Agip junction) near " Maison du cycle" Te: 33-41-11-12
The Regional office in Bamenda, at "Metta Quarters" Gracious Building 2nd floor, Tel: 33-36-20-79
Deadline for the submission of application files: is" June 2014.
Female candidates are strongly advised to apply and only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
ACMS reserves the right to recruit a candidate who does not fulfil ail the above statedrequirements or using a modified profile for the position.