Xavier Institute of Business

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


Job Description:
1. be responsible for calculating and declaring taxes for Cameroon and Central Africa
2. cooperate with tax office and resolve tax audit issues
3. cooperate with external audit office and resolve audit problem4、do company Tax Planning
4. Reduce Tax risk
Job Requirement:
1. Very familiar with Cameroon and Central Africa local tax law, professional on VAT, CIT, WHT, registration fee and so on, can dependently and correctly calculate tax
2. more than eight years tax working experience, including audit office, tax manager and so on, KPMG, PWC, Deloitte is first
3. very familiar with tax audit procedure and very familiar with tax rules and requirement for above two countries.
4. very familiar external audit requirement
5. Master's Degree in Accounting, Finance or related study
6. Excellent communication/Analytical Skills
7. Fluent in both English & French
Send cover letter and CV to:
Huawei Technologies Cameroon Co. Ltd B.P.4427 Nlongkak Yaoundé Cameroon
Tel: Tel: 00237-2200199
Fax: Fax: 00237-2200201
Deadline: 2014/05/22

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