Xavier Institute of Business

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


This post is for local recruitment only
Vacancy Announcement No: VA2013_GS_EXT_000067
Duty Station: Yaounde, Cameroon
Date of Issuance: 22 August 2013
Functional Title: Office Assistant
Organizational Unit: Country Office in Cameroon
Bureau for Regional Programmes
Prog. Dev. & Tech. Cooperation Division
Grade: G5
Indicative Minimum Net Annual Remuneration: 8,073.000 CFA
(for further information on salaries, refer to the International Civil Service Commission
website: http://icsc.un.org/secretariat/sad.asp?include=ss)
Type of Appointment: Fixed Term (100 series)
Employment Fraction: Staff-Full-time
Closing Date: 11 September 2013
Organizational Context
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mandateis to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition, andwork towards improving living conditions in the world's poorest countries by drawing on its combined global resources andexpertise.
The Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division (PTC) is responsible for providing Technical Cooperation(TC) services on technological and economic issues covered by UNIDO's mandate in developing countries and countries witheconomies in transition. The Division is made up of six technical Branches and of the Field Offices which comprise UNIDO'sfield presence in the regions supported by the Organization. The Division further houses the Bureau for Result Monitoring aswell as the Bureau for Regional Programmes.
The UNIDO Country Office in Cameroon, based in Yaounde, covers the UNIDO programme in Cameroon, and countries ofcoverage (Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Democratic Republic of theCongo, Sao Tome and Principe).
The overall objectives of the office are:
(i) monitoring the substantive activities andresources of the UNIDO programmes/projects in the countries of coverage as well as leading the delivery of high-leveltechnical cooperation services based on identified needs, priorities and demands in the countries, within the framework of theUNIDO mandate;
(ii) strengthening dialogue with governments, the private sector, UN organizations, bilateral andinternational assistance providers, including Development Finance Institutions and Regional Commissions, to coordinate andmobilize resources for programmes and projects;
(iii) leading the UNIDO programmes in the specific areas of UNIDOcompetencies
(iv) providing representational, programme leadership, resources mobilization and management functions forindustrial information/knowledge in the country;
(iv) ensuring the engagement of UNIDO in UN common country planning,programming, funding, monitoring and evaluation activities and to actively contribute to the establishment of the CCA/UNDAFand the consequent joint implementation activities.
The UNIDO Staff Performance Management System reinforces the collaboration within formal units as well as amongcross-functional teams. In this context, the incumbent collaborates with his/her supervisor and colleagues, within as well asoutside the unit. Within the formal teams, the incumbent may be expected to backstop other team members as required.
Main Functions
1. Execute the administrative tasks to maintain day-to-day running of the Country Office: composed of a variety of tasks left atthe initiative of the incumbent: monitoring the supervisor's calendar, receiving external visits, preparing routinecorrespondence in English and French and all logistics for travel arrangements, ensuring logistical support to HQ staff onmission, maintaining an updated archiving system in both paper and electronic forms, keeping updated directories of localcounterparts and bodies, keeping Field Office inventory of assets, etc.
2. Monitor the yearly regular budgetary allocation (Operating Costs) and release all payments for Technical Cooperation (TC)related activities through UNDP or Imprest Account; execute actions regarding procurement and deal with local suppliers,process recruitments of local support staff, monitor petty cash transactions.
3. Assist Representative/Project Managers in the delivery of Technical Cooperation Activities including keeping records of theportfolio of programmes under implementation in the country and countries of coverage; ensuring logistics for evaluationmissions; support in the organization of workshops, events or any promotional activity; advise on financial resources requiredas well as assist in the monitoring of budget and execution of all administrative, personnel, procurement, financial, travelsusing SAP Project Portfolio Management (PPM).
4. Act as Focal Points for diffusing information, providing assistance/support and training to local staff in the implementation ofSAP. The incumbent will act as a focal point to train and help other staff in the field office in the use of the UNIDO ERP (SAPSystem) and liaise with the responsible HQ/PTC staff and HQs HRM/Training team.
5. Assist the Representative in executing joint tasks related to the UN coordination initiatives, by liaising with the UN CountryTeams, other UN agencies and support the office in the country for Security, UN system-wide Operations ManagementTeams (OMT), UNDP etc.
Minimum Requirements
Education: Secondary education completed, and secretarial/accounting diploma or equivalent training.
UNIDO Languages: English (Fluent), French (Fluent).Computer skills:Databases (Fully proficient), E-mail (Fully proficient), Enterprise Planning Systems (Fully proficient), Internet (Fully proficient),Spreadsheets (Fully proficient), Word processing (Fully proficient), Knowledge of SAP is an asset.
Field of Expertise: Administration and office support (8 years and more), of experience in a related position providing secretarial, clerical andadministrative support to managerial/professional staff preferably within the UN system, embassy, international organization orin a multicultural environment, including experience in project administration, accounting and finance.
Core values: integrity; professionalism; respect for diversity.
Core competencies: results orientation and accountability;
planning and organizing; communication and trust; team orientation;client orientation; organizational development and innovation.
All applications must be submitted online through the Online Recruitment SystemCorrespondence will be undertaken only with candidates who are being considered at an advanced phase of the selection process.Selected candidate(s) may be required to disclose to the Director-General the nature and scope of financial and other personalinterests and assets in respect of themselves, their spouses and dependants, under the procedures established by the Director General.
Visit the UNIDO web site for details on how to apply: www.unido.org
NOTE: The Director-General retains the discretion to make an appointment to this post at a lower level.Notice to applicants:UNIDO does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application orrecruitment process.
If you have received a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Vacant positions within UNIDO areadvertised on the official UNIDO website. Should you have any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalfof UNIDO and requesting payment of a fee, please contact: recruitment@unido.org

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