Xavier Institute of Business

Tuesday, 27 August 2013



The African Union, established as a unique Pan Africancontinental body, is charged with spearheading Africa’s rapid integration andsustainable development by promoting unity, solidarity, cohesion andcooperation among the peoples of Africa and African States as well asdeveloping a new partnership worldwide. Its Headquarters is located in AddisAbaba, capital city of Ethiopia.

In seeking to achieve these objectives, the AfricanUnion intends to strengthen its capacity to deliver by, among others, theimplementation of new organizational structure and the filling of all vacantposts.

The Commission of the African Union invites applicantswho are citizens of Member States for the post of  Head of Economic Policy andResearch Division.

  1. Post:

Post title:               Headof Economic Policy and Research Division
Post level:              P5
Department:           Economic Affairs Department
Supervisor:            Directorof Economic Affairs
Duty Station:         Addis Ababa , Ethiopia

  1. Main duties and responsibilities

Underthe supervision of the Director of the Department of Economic Affairs, theincumbent shall:
i.         Leads orparticipates in the formulation, organization and management of mandatedprogrammes of economic analysis and theformulation of possible economic strategies, policies and actions for adoptionby the African Union Member States.
ii.         Supervises a teamof staff economists undertaking this work.Leads or participates in theidentification of new or emerging development issues of potential concern toAfrica, and designs and develops programmes to address them.
iii.         Plans and oversees the management ofactivities undertaken by the Division, ensures that substantive work programmesand programmed activities are carried out in a timely fashion, coordinatingdiverse projects in the Division, and, in liaison with other Divisions,Departments, and partners as appropriate.
iv.         Manages, supervises and carries out thework programme of the Division under his/her responsibility. Co-ordinates thework carried out by the Division; provides programmatic and substantive reviewsof drafts prepared by others.
v.         Prepares inputs for the workprogramme of the Division, determining priorities, and allocating resources forthe completion of outputs and their timely delivery including preparation ofbudgets, assigning and monitoring of performance parameters and criticalindicators and reporting on budget/programme performance.
vi.         Manages, guides, develops and trainsstaff under his/her supervision
vii.         Conceives plansand manages expert group meetings, seminars and similar consultations thatcontribute to the finalization of the Department outputs, particularly, organizeevery two years, the Congress of African Economists and  on a quarterly basis, publictalks/discussions referred to as "Fridays of the Commission";
viii.         Study economic policies of Member States andforward proposals to deepen and improve them;
ix.         Identify best practices in economic policy, anddisseminate same among  Member States;
x.         Examine the issue of development financing inrelation to the external debt situation of African countries;
xi.         Consider the range of possible innovativefunding sources and make recommendations to Member States;
xii.         Conduct economic outlook studies on Africaneconomies and make proposals for reformulation of policies and economicstrategies in Africa;
xiii.         Make economic forecasts in a bid to improveshort-term economic policies of States;
xiv.         Assess the implementation of the MDGs and thePost-2015 Programme, in collaboration with the Statistics Division, and offeradvice to countries on how to attain the objectives;
xv.         Follow up the development and circulation of theAfrican Integration and Development Journal;

xvi.         Ensure the follow up/evaluation of internationalconferences, such as the G20, the G8, the C-10, etc..;
xvii.         Cooperate with ECA and AfDB in the preparationand publications of joint reports and studies and  monitor relations with the Bretton WoodsInstitutions and other financial institutions of interest to Africa;
xviii.         Ensure the monitoring/evaluation of the creationof financial institutions provided for under Article 19 of the ConstitutiveAct;
xix.         Perform any other duties that may be assigned.

  1. Educational Qualifications

Candidatesmust hold at least a Master's Degree in Development Economics, MonetaryEconomics, International Economic Relations, a diplôme d’ingénieur or equivalent, with specialization inprogramme/project management, preferably a Ph.D. in Economics.

4.     Professional Experience:
Candidatesmust have at least five (5) years of relevant experience, including at leastthree (3) years in a post of responsibility, involving managerial duties,designing and implementing development policies, strategies and projects.  International experience will be an addedadvantage.

5.     Other Relevant Skills:

·     Practical knowledge of policy analysis anddevelopment as well as of management, execution and monitoring of programmesand projects;
·       Managementexperience, as well as excellent interpersonal skills and ability to organizeand motivate others to work in a multicultural environment;
·       Excellentwriting and reporting skills;
·       Goodcommunication and negotiation skills;
·       Goodplanning and organizational skills;
·       Commitmentto personal development and willingness to learn;
·       Leadershipand change management skills imbued with integrity, trust and assurance;
·       Highlevel of computer literacy.

6.     Language Requirement:

Fluencyin one of the working languages ​​of the African Union. Knowledge of one orseveral other working languages ​​of the AU would be an added advantage.

7.     Age Requirement:

 Candidates mustpreferably be between 35 and 50 years old.

8.     Tenure of Appointment:

The appointment will bemade on a fixed term contract for a period of three (3) years, of with thefirst twelve months will be considered as a probationary period. Thereafter,the contract will be for a period of two years renewable, subject to satisfactoryperformance and deliverables.

9.    Candidatesfrom the following least represented countries are encouraged to apply:Eretria, Central African Republic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC), Djibouti,Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab Republic, SaoTomeand Principe, Seychelles and Somalia.

10. Gender Mainstreaming:

The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer andqualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

11. Remuneration: : Indicative basic salary of 47,829.00 per annum plus other relatedentitlements e.g. Post adjustment (46% of basic salary), Housing allowance 16,819.20 perineum), education allowance (75% oftuition and other education related expenses for every eligible dependent up toa maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum), etc for internationallyrecruited staff of the Commission.


Applicationsmust be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website
http://www.aucareers.orgnot later than 5thSeptember 2013.

Directorate of Administration and HumanResource Management
African Union Commission

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