African University (PAU) is a continental academic and research
institutioncreated by the African Union, that is based on the following
guidingprinciples: academic freedom, autonomy, accountability, quality
assurance,strengthening existing African institutions at the graduate
and post-graduatelevels to enable them to serve the whole continent,
excellence and international partnerships in academic and
researchactivities, gender parity and equality at all levels and in all
universityfunctions. The PAU also aims at the promotion of African
integration throughthe mobility of students, academic and administrative
staff, collaborativeresearch linked to the challenges faced by African
countries, the institution of an appropriate framework to enable the
African Diaspora tocontribute towards the development of higher
education and research in Africa,promotion of inter-disciplinary and
multidisciplinary research programmeslinked to policy making processes,
promotion of productive linkages with theindustrial sector for
innovation and dissemination of new knowledge, full useof Information
and Communication Technologies for pedagogy, research and management.The
PAU takes into account the basic principles of the UN and African
Charterson Human Rights.
to contribute to the emergence and strengthening of an African
highereducation and research platform, the PAU consists of five (5)
thematicInstitutes hosted by existing institutions located in the five
geographicregions of the African Union, namely: (i) Life andEarth
Sciences (including Health and Agriculture) located at University
ofIbadan in Nigeria for Western Africa (ii) Basic
Sciences, Technology andInnovation located at Jomo Kenyatta University
of Agriculture and Technology(JKUAT) in Kenya for Eastern Africa (iii)
Governance, Humanities and SocialSciences located at University of
Yaoundé II in Cameroon for Central Africa (iv) Water and Energy
Sciences (including climatechange) located at University of Tlemcen in
Algeria for North Africa, and (v)Space Sciences in Southern Africa.
four Institutes located in West, East Central and North Africa are
beingoperationalized in Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Algeria
respectively. For the recruitment of the PAU Vice-Chancellorand the
effective operationalization of the PAU structures, a
CoordinatingCommittee, acting as PAU Rectorate for a period of one year
is beingestablished.
JobTitle: PAU SecretaryGeneral: (Finance and Administration)
Grade: P4
Duty Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Job Objective
is asenior position within the Pan African University’s interim
Managementstructure. Reporting to the PAU Coordinator, the holder of
this position willserve as the Chief Finance Officer. She/he will take
oversight ofall budget management and planning, including procurement.
The position alsoserves as the Chief Administrative Officer with
responsibility for oversight ofpersonnel functions and administrative
needed bythe University to realize its mission and objectives.

She/he shall specifically be in charge of thefollowing:
- Coordinate the development of terms of service and reference, and ensure common understanding in the performance of duties and responsibilities and align them to the University’s strategic objectives;
- Coordinate the recruitment, allocation and employment of staff in accordance with policies and procedures, and that is responsive and efficient;
- Ensure that the University complies with all applicable human resource, labor, employment equity and payroll laws, policies and procedures
- Coordinate and monitor the Human Resource Management function across the Thematic Hubs;
- Develop an efficient record keeping, filing, archiving and retrieval system for all PAU documents;
- Coordinate the design of procurement policies, and procedures that would ensure the University receives quality and efficient services;
- Coordinate the design of a strategic guide for the financial reporting, internal control and responsibility based management planning/reporting system;
- Develop a banking, payroll and cash flow system that is efficient and responsive;
- Advice the coordinating team on financial matters of the University;
- Perform other related tasks and related responsibilities as assigned by the Coordinator.
2. Educational Qualifications
- Have a minimum of an MBA degree from a recognized University.
- Have a professional qualification in Accounting
- Candidates who possess additional professional qualifications such as CPA/CPS or other recognized professional qualifications in administration, management and finance will have an added advantage.
3. Work Experience Requirement
i. Minimum
of eight years’ experience working in afinance and administration
position, at least three of them in an Africaninstitution
ii. Minimum
of 5 years experience in senior finance and administrationpositions at a
modern university or research institution, involved in general
administration, personnel management, financial management,
strategicplanning and budgeting.
4. Other Relevant Skills
- Demonstrated team leadership skills in change and transition management;
- Management experience, excellent interpersonal skills and ability to organize and motivate others and to work in a multi-cultural environment from diverse constituencies;
- Excellent report writing and presentation skills;
- Demonstrated ability to communicate and negotiate effectively and build collaborative relationships;
- Excellent analytical and problem solving skills and experience in interpreting complex financial information;
- Good planning and organizational skills;
- Evidence of ethical, transparent, fair, dependable leadership style and professionalism;
- Computer literacy and competency in MS Office Applications and accounting Software.
in one of the African Union workinglanguages. Proficiency of one or
several other working language(s) would be anadded advantage.
Candidatesmust preferably be between 35 and 50 years old.
contract will be for a period of six months. Thiscontract is not
gratuity earning nor pensionable and not automaticallyrenewable. The
Contract will not be entitled to benefits or privileges given toregular
staff members.
The salary attached to the position is an annual lump-sum of
US$85,676.84inclusive of all allowances for internationally recruited
staff, and
US$ 76,005.80 inclusive of all allowances for locallyrecruited staff
Applications must be made through theAUC E-recruitment Website not laterthan 27 August 2013.
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