Vacancy Ref.: | - |
Closing date: | 11/13/2013 |
Department: | ADMIN. & HR DEVELOPMENT |
Post Level | P3 |
Job Category | Natural Sciences |
Immdiate Supervisor | - |
Duty Station | NAIROBI, KENYA |
The African Union Inter-AfricanBureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), a specialized technical office of theDepartment of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African UnionCommission, is mandated to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock,fisheries and wildlife as resources for both human wellbeing and economicdevelopment in the Member States of the African Union. The AU-IBAR StrategicPlan 2010 – 2014 outlined a comprehensive direction on how AU-IBAR willcontribute to the development of animal resources and the natural resource baseon which they depend and a strong mandate for improving sector investment,marketing and trade on the African continent. The Strategic Programme area 3 ofthe Strategic Plan aimed at improving investment opportunities andcompetitiveness of animal resources in Africa whilst Strategic Programme Area 4aimed at promoting development of, and compliance with, standards andregulations.
For the implementation of theProject “Improving Food Security and Reducing Poverty through intra-regionalFish Trade in sub-Saharan Africa” funded by the European Union, AU-IBARseeks the services of a Project Officer (Fish Trade and Marketing) to assist inthe implementation of the activities of the project .The project will beimplemented in partnership with Worldfish Centre, and the NEPAD Planning andCoordinating Agency (NPCA).
The overall objective of this4-year project is to improve food and nutritional security and reduce povertyin sub-Saharan Africa by enhancing the capacities of regional and pan-Africanorganizations to support their member states to better integrate intra-regionalfish trade into their development and food security policy agendas.
To achieve the overall goal, theprogramme will deliver the following specific results:
i. Information on the structure, products and value ofintra-regional fish trade in food security in Sub Saharan Africa generated andmade available to stakeholders
ii. A set of recommendations on policies, certificationprocedures, standards and regulations, well embedded in national and regionalfisheries, agricultural, trade and food security policy frameworks insub-Saharan Africa.
iii. Increased capacities for trade amongst private sectorassociations, in particular of women fish processors and traders andaquaculture producers, to make better use of expanding trade opportunitiesthrough competitive small and medium scale enterprises.
iv. Adoption and implementation of appropriate policies,certification procedures, standards and regulations by key stakeholdersparticipating in intra-regional trade in four selected trade corridors inSub-Saharan Africa
Job Title: ProjectOfficer- Fish trade and marketing
Grade: P3Step 5 (Local/International)
Duty Station: Nairobi
* This position is subject toavailability of funds and satisfactory performance.
Major duties and responsibilities
Under the direct technical supervisionof the Chief Animal Production Officer at AUIBAR, the incumbent will providegeneral technical support to the Project Team Leader. He/ she shall report to the Chief Animalproduction officer and perform the following tasks:
1. Assist in the coordination of the activities of theproject implemented by AU-IBAR
2. Assist in implementing appropriate strategy to ensure effective communication with projectstakeholders and implementing partners
3. Develop strategy to update and develop market informationrelating to fish
4. Develop framework for harmonization of fisheries tradepolicies, regulations traceability andcertification mechanisms
5. Develop frameworks for improved traceability andcertification of fish products
6. Assist in building capacity of competent authoritiesfor accredited certification and compliance with regional and internationalfish import requirements
7. Strengtheningcapacity of AU MS in fisheriesimprovement programmes for MSC and ASC ecolabelled certification for enhancedtrade in seafood and aquaculture fish product
8. Conduct analysis of fisheries trade corridors ,
9. Facilitate the development of coordinated positions ofAU MS in forums of international standard setting organizations
10. Strengtheningcapacity of AU MS aquaculture practitioners in aquaculture business planningand development
11. Institutionalstrengthening fish trade information networks on the continent and linkage withAfrican fisheries reform mechanism,
12. Performall other duties as requested by the supervisors
The incumbent should have anadvanced university degree in Marketing and Trade in agricultural products,preferably with specialization in fish and fisheries products.
i. At least 7 years proven working experience in marketingand trade of agriculture products inAfrica
ii. At least 3 years’ experience in donor funded marketingor trade related-project on inagricultural commodities
iii. Sound knowledge on challenges and trade issues infisheries of Africa
iv. Proven knowledge on international trade and marketing issues in fish and fisheriesproducts
v. Knowledge of regional and international instruments,strategies, frameworks, guidelines, tools etc. for agricultural commodity tradefacilitation etc.
vi. Demonstrated experience in dealing with senior governmentofficials and international development partners
vii. Sound knowledge on roles of regional organizations(RECs, RFBs etc.)
Skills and competencies
i. Good networking skills and ability to maintain positiveand constructive dialogue and relationships with key institutions operating inthe regions;
ii. Self-starter with the ability to strategically plan ownwork;
iii. Very strong writing, analytical and communicationskills are necessary.
Proficiency in one of the African Union working languagesis a requirement. Knowledge of one or more of the other AU working languageswould be an added advantage.
Age Requirement
Must be preferably between the age of 35 and 50 years
Tenure of Appointment
The initialappointment will be for 11 months including a 3-month probation period.Contract extension will be subject to performance and availability of funding.
The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer andqualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.
The lump-sum salary attached to this positionis an annual lump-sum of USD 84,477.46 inclusive of all allowances forinternationally recruited staff, and USD 70,613.43inclusive of allallowances for locally recruited staff.
Applications must bemade through the AUC E-recruitment Website
http://www.aucareers.orgnot later than 11th November 2013
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